Why Choose Us As Your Independent Midwife

Why Choose Us As Your Independent Midwife

Are you curious about what an independent midwife does? Perhaps you’re thinking what an independent midwife can offer you that is different or better to what the NHS already offers. Or maybe you already know that you want and need an independent midwife; in that case, let me to explain why choosing me to be your independent midwife will be a wonderful journey for you. In this article, I will explain the need for independent midwives and what you can expect from The Nurture Mama.

Sophie Robinson is an independent midwife. She used to work for the NHS and then founded The Nurture Mama. She delivers the project to enable pregnant women and newborn mums to have full access to advice, guidance and support. She provides this service to enable pregnant people and fresh or new parents to have full access to evidence based, mindful and sincere guidance and support.

What is an independent midwife?

Sophie Robinson: “An Independent midwife like an NHS midwife, is there to be with woman, pregnant person, birthing person and parent. Provided, they are safe and effective, that they adhere to all aspects of the midwifery code of conduct, most significantly, independent midwives practise truly autonomously.”

the nurture mama

Why did you create The Nurture Mama project?

Sophie Robinson: “This is the primary reason I decided to change careers after working in the NHS for almost 12 years. The key to fully appreciating and empowering an individual’s autonomy, in my opinion, is practising truly autonomously, which is defined as taking responsibility for one’s own actions. You automatically respect everyone’s autonomy when you are aware of and grateful for the power of your own actions.”

She adds: “Being an independent midwife has meant everything to me. I can finally practise the kind of heart and soul midwifery that I have long yearned to. I have spent many years learning about, participating in, and respecting the NHS midwifery, yet I won’t miss it. When necessary, I am happy to collaborate with it, help improve an experience, and liaise with it, but when I work as The Nurture Mama, my whole focus is on ensuring people realise their incredibleness and develop their confidence – ensuring people trust in the power within themselves.”

How can I book your independent midwife services?

Sophie Robinson: “Firstly, Congratulations! In order to identify whether The Nurture Mama is the independent midwifery service for you, I recommend we have a relaxed chit chat and hopefully we will establish that we are compatible. My goal is to understand your needs first, then hopefully you will decide we’re right for one another.”

I completely understand this is a very important part of your life thus far, which means we must get to know each other to develop trust and understanding. My goal is to ensure that you are 100% comfortable and confident that I am the right independent midwife for you – we need to be at one and at ease with one another!”

What makes The Nurture Mama different?

Sophie Robinson: “Pregnancy, birth and beyond are all equally and incredibly significant. You may already feel quite strongly about what you need during these times and who you would like as your midwife in terms of personality and passions, I will endeavour to align with these. I truly believe that a strong and sincere relationship with one another is key to ensuring high standard of midwifery care, but most importantly the pregnant, birthing or postnatal person’s experience and satisfaction. Together, you can shape your pregnancy, birth and beyond (yes I meant you). I will be there to lift you up and guide you if needed, to witness you unleash your power and materialise your potential. At The Nurture Mama we value heart and soul midwifery.”

the nurture mama

Anything else?

“As with any relationship, things need to resonate, and all people present and a part of a relationship and journey need to be on the same wavelength to truly feel at ease. I believe that a strong foundation for harmony with all this is trust. Trust is also key to unlocking an empowering, positive and blissful bump, birth and beyond experience. Our values at The Nurture Mama are trust, kindness, patience and unity.”

Sophie Robinson concludes: “It’s important for me to get to know you, but you also need to feel as though you know me too – to develop a genuine and strong sense of trust between us. Therefore, in order to establish this solid foundation of trust, I would encourage you to feel at ease getting to know me as well. I pledge to be open and honest with you. It would be an absolute honour to travel beside you on this wonderful journey, and along the way, doing my best to nurture your self-trust is the least I can do.”

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The Nurture Mama is an independent midwife service that offers Antenatal, Postnatal, Combined and Complete packages. Supporting mothers and surrogates throughout pregnancy, childbirth and after birth – giving families complete continuity of care.