independent midwife SOPHIE

independent, authentic, private midwife
your journey
your choices
What can you expect from me? Well, that's easy!
Personalised, wholesome, heart-centred midwifery care and support, in the comfort of your own home, all based around YOU and YOUR BABY, your needs and led entirely by YOU!
Throughout your journey with me alongside you, expect guaranteed continuity of midwifery carer, that means all your care will be provided to you by me, including a homebirth if you opt for this. If you opt for a hospital birth, fear not, you too can guarantee that I am there alongside you for your labour and birth. I can be there as one of your strongest advocates, nurturing you all the same.
It really is as simple as YOU, YOUR and YOURS!
Come Explore With Me...
Inviting Me In On Your Journey
Embracing Preparation
Preparation looks very different from one person to the next. However, it is consistently fundamental in helping you feel in control and empowered, to make the right decisions for yourself and your baby in any moment.
Decision Making Support
Decision making on this journey can feel overwhelming and often nearly impossible. Do you need to understand more about your options? In order to truly weigh everything up for you and your baby? You can do this!
Ad hoc appointments
Has something unforeseen come up? A turn in the road with unexpected or challenging consequences? Look no further for compassionate and accessible care and support, available Face-to-Face or virtually, depending on your location, needs, and preferences!
Care & Support
Guaranteed continuity of midwifery care with independent midwife Sophie. Something for every part of your journey through bump, birth and beyond. Take the next step in protecting and investing in your overall experience and future, for you and your baby.
What is an independent midwife?
An independent midwife practices midwifery and provides a midwifery service outside of the NHS or a private organisation such as Private Midwives.
After hiring an independent midwife you will usually receive care and support by the same midwife, in the comfort of your own home. You will receive care that is very personal, individualised, empowering and convenient, being led by you through every decision and turn in the road.
Mother and Baby-Centred
I will tailor the care, support and information I provide, to you and your needs, putting you and your baby at the heart of everything through my independent midwife services. I will give you complete continuity of midwifery care for your pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey. Guaranteeing you receive the most holistic, sincerest and safest care possible from a knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated midwife."I will lift you up, empower you, and witness you and your amazingness" – Independent Midwife Sophie

quality midwifery care
I am always so excited and proud to say that I am FULLY INSURED to provide independent midwifery care for you on your journey through your Bump, Birth and Beyond!
I am insured by industry standard ZEST, an organisation that provides services and support to independent midwives.
As a ZEST registrant, I receive access to ZEST insurance products making it possible for me to offer the full continuum of independent midwifery care.
Through my independent midwifery services, I offer full continuity of care from the very start of your pregnancy journey, on out into motherhood, with me alongside you, every step of the way.

From before, through labour & birth, and beyond...
Did you know that hiring an independent midwife for true continuity of carer midwifery, has the potential to dramatically improve your overall experience and outcomes for you and you baby?
With not only immediate health benefits but also longer term benefits and improved overall experience, care from an independent midwife is absolutely something you must consider...
Whether you want a home birth or a hospital birth, I will be sure to care for you, support your needs and help guide you, as much as you require and wish, every step of the way!
If you are looking for something different or lighter, I offer Antenatal and Postnatal packages individually or combined. Any of these will give you access to care and support from me for the relevant and chosen part of your journey.

Simply antenatal or postnatal care?
Supporting Mothers Throughout the West Midlands & Beyond
07548 419684