The Nurture Mama's Journey So Far
Our story
In present times, our beloved NHS is very overstretched, including midwifery, and though with great intentions, it offers a restrictive one-size fits all service, that pregnant, birthing and postnatal women often need to reshape themselves or their preferences, in order to fit into the service and to benefit from it. It also offers a widely intervention focused service that also does appeal to or serve everyone. Postnatal care has also suffered from cutbacks leaving many new or fresh parents feeling regrettably abandoned at times or even powerless. This can severely impact the start of time as a family.
With reduced NHS appointments available to expecting families and the limited continuity of care readily available on the NHS, I decided to set up a service that encompasses all the things that we know makes a difference to everyone; pregnant, birthing and postnatal.
Our mission is unquestionably to install ample self-trust, self-belief and therefore confidence and in turn reduce worry and stress during pregnancy, birth and postnatal care, improving the experience as whole. With an experienced midwife, available to you day or night to help you along your journey, we are confident that you will feel strong and ready for what lies ahead.
Learn more about The Nurture Mama and Sophie
"I trust in my body to nurture and birth my baby."
Message from Sophie
I am not saying that if you trust yourself you will be guaranteed a birth that unfolds how you want it to. I am saying, that if you trust yourself and your body’s ability to birth, and everyone around you helps maintain an environment that supports your natural physiology, everything that is meant to happen on a physiological level will happen, that birth you hoped for will be that bit more likely.
The same can be applied to pregnancy, in fact it is so important to be installing self-trust now and witnessing how powerful it really is, to help build your confidence which contributes immensely to your experience. And indeed, the same can be said for the postnatal period and far far far beyond…

Sophie Robinson
FOUNDER | MIDWIFE (RM) BSc Midwifery and Medical Sciences
"My midwife listens to my worries and we work through them"
Sophie's Journey
I completed a degree in Medical Science at the University of Birmingham, fresh out of secondary school, knowing that biology in particular human physiology was something I saw myself involved with in my working life. I also knew that being around and caring for people was something I would find rewarding, but I was young and the world my oyster as they say, so I went with the flow.
I very proudly graduated in 2007, met my now husband Aiden, the same year and then was met with career decisions. Aid was all set, he went on to study a masters in Nuclear Physics and me, I was just swimming in a pond of opportunities, ideas and aspirations but not really sure what to do. I decided to take the pressure off and worked at Nandos for some time but then one of my closest friends suggested midwifery and well, here I am!
I have never looked back since. I worked many years in the NHS, working at a few different hospitals over time, and across a few different areas including delivery suite and postnatal ward. I ended my time in the NHS on a Birth Centre in a busy and one of the only specialist Women’s Hospitals in the UK. Throughout my time as a midwife so far, I have developed a real passion for caring for and supporting outside medical guidance birth in fact I would always keep eyes and ears open for these women on shift. Guiding people through decision making and ensuring these decisions are evidence-based, are heavily engrained practices for me, but I am a midwife who first and foremost respects personal preferences and wishes. In addition I am eager to pursue my outside medical guidance passion.
Being a midwife honestly gives me so much joy and so much opportunity to pursue passions and now with being an independent midwife the chance to nurture these and follow my instincts more. I really have the best job in the world that most of the time doesn’t even feel like a job.
A few years after qualifying, Aid and I got married and we started our wonderful little family. Our first daughter Charlotte, was born at home, in the pool, surrounded by love, an amazing experience and transformation, and our lives changed forever, for the better. Annabelle our youngest was also born at home, in the pool, and again our lives never the same and never better.
The difference between the two births apart from the obvious was the fact that I felt completely empowered, by the right knowledge and an invisible strength, and entirely in control. The NHS homebirth team was amazing both times, and my midwifery knowledge had not changed that much by the time of Annabelle’s birth but, thanks to one of my very best friends who also happens to be a very special midwife, who was my midwife throughout, my view of pregnancy and birth changed completely. I wholly believe that this coupled with the experience of my transforming childbirth rite of passage so far with Charlotte and her life so far, are most, if not all of the reason why I am now here as The Nurture Mama. Anything significant since just concretes everything.
My girls never cease to amaze me, inspire me and push me forwards. Charlotte has cystic fibrosis, yet she remains limitless in every way. Annabelle, what she wants or wants to achieve, no one can change her mind or tell her otherwise. They both teach me things almost every day. At the very least they teach me patience and patience with myself, a working progress, but something I am becoming more and more proud of.
I think what I am getting at is being a midwife was not enough to teach me the most powerful and changing things, that make a difference during the childbirth rite of passage. People always ask me do you think that being a midwife helped you during your births? I used to think yes, I used to think I am so glad that I had my girls after qualifying. And, whilst I am still glad that I have the skills and knowledge I have and had them when I had, I am more thankful for my midwifery journey and it’s timing, because it brought Lizzy that special midwife into my life when it did, and taught me and experienced me the things it has until now and I am sure that life, life with my girls and life moving forward as The Nurture Mama will teach me more.
Since giving birth myself, I have also experienced supporting some of the most important women in my life so far, during their labours and births. Moments of absolute joy and privilege, moments I will cherish forever, moments that have inspired me, and that I can honestly say have changed me for the better.
I hope you've got to know me a little, and I look forward to getting to know you, supporting and hopefully caring for you and of course, walking alongside you on your incredible journey.
"My girls never cease to amaze me, inspire me and push me forwards"

"Trust, Kindness, Patience and Unity are 4 words to describe The Nurture Mama"
Our Values
The Nurture Mama provides care and support, in line with our four most significant values. Our priority is ensuring our clients feel safe and confident.

We value trust, transparency and fairness. We believe our impact is stronger with trust and it's at the heart of what we do.

We operate with kindness and with respect for other people, no matter what their perspectives, circumstances and experiences are.


We embrace all of our unique client relationships, and understand that when we collaborate with our values first, we always perform at our best.
Supporting Mums Throughout the West Midlands & Beyond